Team Project

My Green

Plant care management platform

My Green is for those who are interested in growing house plants and aiming to get information about how to take care of them and keep tracking the growing progress. We also provide a platform to share the users’ experiences in growing their plants with others who have the same interest and enjoy their plant journal.


JAN 2023 - APL 2023


web App

MY roles

UI/UX Designe

Team Size



figma, Illustrator, photoshop


There are limited sources and sites to provide information about how to grow plants. It is hard to find the exact information that the users need. Plants sometimes die because of a lack of knowledge and management skills. In addition, the way of growing plants is different depending on the area and climate.





Plant Schedule

Provide the plant care schedule for the users including when watering and fertilizing should be done. Depending on the house plants, the app calculates the best timing for each plant that the users have.

Plant Information

Help the users improve their knowledge about house plants. The app offers the plant information, such as the appropriate frequency of watering and fertilizing, sunlight and temperature between outside and inside.

Plant Identification

Identify what the plant is by taking a picture and provide about the plant information on how to raise well.

Plant Journal

Join the plant lovers’ community. The users can share their experiences about their plants and check the others’. They can enjoy more the plant life.

UI Kit


The logo is inspired by the “Moon Cactus”, which has a colourful head and green body. It could make the users relieved and happy.

Colour Palette & Typography

The colour palette and typefaces help our app create an approachable and relaxing atmosphere. It should be suited to our main target who is plant lovers and who loves a peaceful vibe.


The users can choose avatars for their account images. They are designed in gradient colours and inspired by succulent plants with adorable faces.


Emojis can be found when users write their journals. The emojis with many multiple facial expressions are based on the main character, which is used for our logo.